Friday 9 September 2016

main image 

One of the main features to this magazine is the main image. the main image shows David Beckham, who is an iconic football player, his image takes up over half of the magazine cover. The effect of this is that fans of this magazine, or the target audience, the position of him in the image is effective as well. The image is a mid shot of David Beckham, standing with his body sideways with his head looking towards the camera. This is effective because the readers will see him looking towards him, which makes them want to buy it because it has caught their eyes/ attention. The image also shows that he is a sporty person, by the genre of the magazine, and his dress code, his dress code looks like the top half of a tracksuit with a plane white shirt, showing the reader he is a sporty person. People can be inspired by this magazine, they will see David and see how athletic it is and people will want to be like him because he is a world famous idol.


Another main feature of this magazine is the title, the title is called men's health, which is in a bright vibrant orange. the reason why the title is in this colour is because its eye catching to the reader, it stands out on a shelf. the target audience of this magazine is men who want to keep fit and healthy, this is easily shown to us through the title, the title tells us that this magazine is specifically for men. also, linking to the main image the title is covered by the main image, this is effective because the magazine is so famous and well known that they can have this iconic sports star covering their title, so it basis the whole magazine on him, and doesn't focus on who produced the magazine.


Another main feature of this magazine cover is the colour scheme. the colour scheme for this magazine is very basic consisting of the colours: white, black, red, grey, and orange. these colours are basic because, they have to make the image stand out, so by using these plain simple blacks and whites, bring out the brightly coloured red in the main image. the colour scheme could represent the target the audience, the colour scheme is very ordinary with little bursts of colour, this could represent someone doing exercise, seeing as this magazine is based on being fit and healthy, the ordinary colours could represent a gentle normal work out, then the burst of bright colours could represent a higher intensity work out, which is short and energetic. 


the language in this magazine cover is very reflective on the genre magazine. the text tells the reader about the the ways to look good and smell good, after and during exercise. this attracts the reader because the audience that the reader is part off is interested in this stuff. in a way its inspiring men to keep themselves to keep in shape.

cover line

The main cover line of this magazine is hard to see in this, because there is so many. I think that they have done this because they want to make every part of the magazine important and worth reading to the audience. They are positioned all over the magazine in big bold writing, so that they can catch the readers eye/ attention. the colour scheme for all of them is black.   



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