Tuesday 11 October 2016

analysis of magazine contents

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int this magazine there are loads of topics that appeal to the target audience, some of the key themes and topics of each article are:
in the first article they have tweets from celebrities, the key theme of this article is for gossip, people love to find out stuff out about you tubers and spread it to other people who are not aware of it. another article in this magazine is a stand up to cancer article, where it has a famous youtuber Zoella wearing a stand up to cancer t-shirt. the key theme of this article is to bring people together to try and beat this disease.  the magazine also contains a section where the audience get a say in what they want to see in the magazine, the theme of this article is improvement/ involving, this is effective because it allows the magazine editors and the audience communicate to help each other improve the magazine.

The contents of the magazine show the audience ways of life, or influences them into thinking the way they should live there life, they do this by showing the readers items of clothing or accessories that they are told are required in life. The magazine also shows the audience celebrity life styles, this is to inform and keep people  up to date with there favourite celebs. the magazine basically inspires readers to be like the people in the magazine, to have the same life style as them and live similler lifes  to the celebrities they are reading about. I believe that the magazine can some times give the wrong message that people need certain clothes and accessories to have a happy life but they are not true.

The magazine covers a lot of topics in the entirety of it, but there are 3 I believe shine more, showing the ideology behind the magazine. One of the main topics covered by the magazine is you tuber gossip. I identified this as one of the main topics of the magazine because it is practically the whole point of the magazine, also on  page 4 it says 'juicy alfie goss' which shows us that this section of the magazine is dedicated to you tube gossip. Another key topic from the magazine is fashion/ style, the target audience that this magazine is aimed at revolves around fashion, so keeping them up to date with the latest fashion trends

The magazine contains articles that the target audience may find interesting. Many of the articles contain content that look at the life of celebrities, and up to date fashion.


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