Monday 14 November 2016

Research- Music Magazine Front Cover Analysis

Image result for music magazine cover ed sheeran
In the front cover for fabulous Ed Sheeran is represented as a successful "ladysman". One way this is established is through the use of verbal code, the text says "from sofa surfing to sleeping with superstars." This indicates to the audience that the artist has had a very rough and hard life, not having an an actual home, prior to becoming a famous singer, and now due to his hard work he has become a successful man, who sleeps with many famous superstars now. This is intriguing to the audience because, a new artist has just popped up, become very successful, then they find out he was a "sofa suffer" the use of words makes the audience want to read more.   

Another way that Ed Sheeran is represented as a lady's man is by the main image. The main image displays our artist Ed Sheeran in mid-shot with his head looking down, and his eyes looking at the camera, with him having a smug facial expression, with a woman's hand touching his face. This is used to hint us that the artist has slept with a lot of women, they chose to only show the audience the woman's arm so that she doesn't have an identity, meaning this arm could belong to multiple different people. The reason that the picture has been taking like that is to inspire the audience, the audience for the magazine is boys and girls from teenagers age 14 all the way to young adults, 25. The values of the audience, from this magazine i can tell are the value of greatness from small begging's, he was a young no body but persevered through and reached the top, which inspires the target audience. The way that  Ed's head is tilted and he is looking towards the audience, is communicating to the audience, reaching out to them giving them different messages, it could make female readers think, could they be the next unidentified arm? or make men want to be like him, thinking they could be the next big successful hot shot sleeping with multiple different women all the time, wearing expensive classy clothes. The white background is used to outline and make the artist stand out even more the magazine itself, because hes such a "hot topic."

Another way that Ed Sheeran is represented as successful is through his dress sense. the main image displays him wearing a purple, silky suit. The material of the suit tells to us that he he successful because the material the suit is made of silk, which can be quite expensive, but him wearing it shows that is not for him. the connotations of the word silk i can interpret are soft, this could link to his personality or feelings/ memories he has from his old life when he was with out a home, he will have a "soft" spot for it remembering that it was his origins. Also the connotations from the colour purple i can get are gentle but powerful, this again represent the artists personality, showing he is a gentle, kind man, but is powerful in his world of business. This becomes appealing to the audience because, they may also believe in what the colour represent an inspires them to realise, what the artist has been through, and quite possibly relate to him.    

From doing this task today it has helped me to realise that the main image of a magazine is very important for relating/ attracting the target audience, and will take into consideration facial expressions and shot types in my own magazine cover. Also other things like verbal code are also important. I have learnt that the stereotypical representation isn't always the same, witch has been showed in this magazine cover, i will make sure not to follow the stereotypes in my own magazine.  

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