Monday 21 November 2016

Research-Representation and Genre Front Cover

Image result for  music magazine front cover

In the Vibe magazine, Rihanna is represented as strong but empty. Her strength is represented through her being the only image on the cover, taking up the majority of the cover, this shows she is important and dominant, the emptiness is represented through her being colourless in the cover, colour represents many different emotions, for example red can  represent love or anger. but her being colourless exhibits to us that she has no emotion, maybe due to a past experience or event, but her being this big main image, shows she is trying to hide it by acting powerful. This is effective for the target audience because they feel as if they can relate to it, due to there own personal experiences. The target audience for this magazine is mainly teenage girls aged 12- 19 who have a passion for music and are fans of Rhianna, and also feel as if they can relate to what the magazine cover represents.

Another way how Rhianna is represented in the cover of Vibe magazine is as important. One way how this is shown is through verbal code, the verbal code consists of names of other artists, whereas Rhianna's is in big bold writing which out shines all the rest. The verbal code also mentions "love" above the artists name, which could resemble how she feels.


The colour scheme of typical pop magazines is mainly more bright, vibrant colours, the colour scheme of this magazine is different though, although it still has the bright blue, the colourless image contrasts this showing a moor emotionless, less vibrant feel from the magazine. This links to representation because, the artist shown in the main image, Rhianna is portrayed as a strong important women by the camera work/ angle, but the colour scheme shows her is emotionless/ empty.


I believe that when it comes to creating a magazine, genre and representation are very important, it give the magazine its own sense of identity, and makes the audience aware of what the magazines genre is. I will ensure to incorporate these in my own magazine cover to make it appealing to my target audience.

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