Monday 23 January 2017

Case study: Analysis of editors letter

The editors letter  for the magazine shout is structured and formatted quite differently to other magazines editors letters, it's layout is like a list, instead of a normally expected formal/ informal message from the editor.

The magazines editor letter still contains similar  techniques to bond with the target audience. The letter consists of lots of informal language, for example the text is written like "WHAAAT" This is informal because the word is all in capital letters, and more letters then needed, its is meant to show, it makes the reader feel on the same level and more bonded with the editor because of the use of the informal language. They also use dialect such as "amaze" and "lols" to bond more with the target audience.

 At the beginning of the letter it starts with "this issue we promise we'll" this is meant to show that the editors have got a sworn job to create very magazine issue up to date with celebrity gossip and interesting for the target audience. At the end of the letter, it ends it off with "lots of love, the shout team! xxx" this is to represent how the audience and the editor have hopefully created a bond through this small message at the beginning of every issue.

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