Sunday 22 January 2017

Emotive and colloquial language in magazines

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The target audience for the magazine "shout" is girls aged 9-12 who are into celebrity gossip, and girly websites, the reason i aimed it to girls around this age is because the language and colours of the magazine stand out to this age group, for example the word "shout" reflects the age stereotype of girls this age, that they always are loud and shout a lot, other reasons why this stands out to young girls is because of the images of the the front cover. the images on the cover are of stars, that stand out to the target audience, for example there on the cover there are pictures of Zoella, Shawn mendes and 5 seconds of summer, all of which are greatly admired and looked upon  by the children of this target audience.

Loads of magazines now a days use colloquial and emotive language to attract target their target audience to there magazine, in shout some examples of emotive language are "love" and "angry." these words reflect 2 different emotions that readers the age the target audience is set to feel frequently, the connotations of the word "love" i can infer are: colours, like pink and red, which are both eye catching colours, that reflect the genre of the magazine, therefore making it appealing to the target audience.

Also colloquial language is used a lot in magazines these days, to make sure that they keep up to date with language and dialect spoken by the target audience, some examples of colloquial language in the magazine shout are "tell us grace f's fave.." this helps keep the target audience entertained and involved in the magazine,

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