Monday 23 January 2017

colour in magazines

Displaying IMG_9596.JPGIn the magazine shout, there are a variety of colours used in the magazine. The colours used in this magazine are mainly pastel colours; colours which are socially seen as "girly" and matched with females in particular. This further identifies the demographic; young teenage girls. 

The layout clearly displays the contents of the magazine, whilst maintaining a sporadic and girly and girly aesthetic with colourful borders, pastel colours and collage style imagery. this appeals to the already identified audience; young teenage girls. 

Also the, the colours range in a lot of different directions, but all are bright eye catching colours, the colours like pink and blue and yellow, are all appealing to the eye of the audience, they all also reflect the genre of the magazine, bright colours reflect the happy up beat genre the magazine is trying to show to the target audience. 

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