Friday 3 March 2017

Front cover for Double-Hitt first edit

This is my first edit for the music magazine i am creating, called Double-hitt, specifying in the rap genre.

The layout of my final edit will be based upon what this edit looks like now but with original photography and more detail in the verbal code. I have only used 1 picture for my first edit so far because, i couldn't find any images online that reflected or looked the same as the images i have imagined fir the final edit. 

I have chosen the name of the magazine to be double-Hitt because, in rap, the music produced by the artists is so powerful, meaningful and a lot of the time twisting, meaning that one part of the song will hit you, then another part will completely change it, hitting you again, therefore giving it the name Double-Hitt reflects what i am trying to portray. 

The price is only £2 which i feel is affordable for the target audience i have aimed this magazine for. 

The font of the writing is quite big and easy for the reader to notice. I have chosen the colour red because it is a bright eye catching colour which also reflects the genre, by the danger that the rappers sing about, however in my future edits i am more than likely going to change the colour of the font to something else because the red makes the font less clear to read, and would make it harder for my target audience to read, therefore turning them away from my magazine.     

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Mood bubble- Rap

For my chosen genre I am doing rap, i chose to do rap because it is such a meaningful genre that explores the artists feelings and thoughts, also i enjoy the artists, there music speaks to me and is understandable. The genre also conveys a lot of messages that the audience can understand and relate too.

Monday 23 January 2017

Case study: Analysis of editors letter

The editors letter  for the magazine shout is structured and formatted quite differently to other magazines editors letters, it's layout is like a list, instead of a normally expected formal/ informal message from the editor.

The magazines editor letter still contains similar  techniques to bond with the target audience. The letter consists of lots of informal language, for example the text is written like "WHAAAT" This is informal because the word is all in capital letters, and more letters then needed, its is meant to show, it makes the reader feel on the same level and more bonded with the editor because of the use of the informal language. They also use dialect such as "amaze" and "lols" to bond more with the target audience.

 At the beginning of the letter it starts with "this issue we promise we'll" this is meant to show that the editors have got a sworn job to create very magazine issue up to date with celebrity gossip and interesting for the target audience. At the end of the letter, it ends it off with "lots of love, the shout team! xxx" this is to represent how the audience and the editor have hopefully created a bond through this small message at the beginning of every issue.

Case study: Analysis of contents page

This contents page is from the magazine shout, which is revolved around celebrity and you tuber gossip, therefore the contents page is created to attract the target audience to it with the various different colours. the main colours in the sequence are purple with sharp bursts of pink, again referring to the target audience are reflective of them and also eye catching to them as well, the effectt of having the pink on purple colour contrasts is that, the bright pink stands out to the darker purple colour, drawing the readers attention to that specific section of text.

The design of the contents page is very cramped and i personally feel like everything is being thrown at you at once, which i think that the designer was trying to do, because its trying to compare it to the genre of the magazine, its a gossip magazine, and all the news is being thrown at you one piece after the other, and feels very messy and unorganised, which the magazines contents page is trying to reflect to us the readers.

The way that the contents page layout is like is that instead of telling readers the page number and title of each article, it gives us an image of the page that each article is on, so that the audience can see what that individual article is about, and know if they want to read that page or not. The contents page also shows pictures of the fans of the magazine winning various awards and in general having fun, they choose to feature this because it will keep the target audience come back to see if they feature in the magazines next issue. Also all the magazines social media links are on the contents page, so that fans can keep up to date with the magazines content online daily

Case study: analysis of front cover

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The masthead of the magazine "shout" is a weekly magazine about celebrity and you tuber gossip. The target audience of the magazine are young teenage girls, aged 10-14, who are fans of the genre and topics inside the magazine. the masthead of the whole magazine is shout, i think that the name of the magazine reflects the genre and the reader, i believe this because, the whole idea of the magazine is for gossip, and when kids the age of the target audience hear gossip about a celebrity they want to"shout" it and let everyone know about it.

The main image on the cover of this magazine are of you tubers, who are very famous and influential in the eyes of the target audience. The creators of the magazine have chose to use these people on the front cover of their magazines because they know when the target audience see them on the cover it will attract them and make them buy it. Also if the target audience are inspired by these you tubers and want to be like them when they are older it will attract a brand new sub-section to the target audience.

All the images around the front cover of the magazine imply to us that this is a celebrity gossip/ you tuber magazine. It id clear to us that this is a celebrity gossip magazine because they have pictures of stars like Justin Bieber with the caption "Justin's secret snapchats". As well as this many other celebrity's are mentioned in this magazine including Justin Bieber and Little mix, seeing these stars names will make the target audience want to read about them. Other images on the front cover are of things like the beauty awards 2016, which also indicate to us that this magazine has also got a beauty genre to it as well.

The colours on the magazine are mainly pink, commonly seen as a feminist colour, suggesting to us that the magazine is trying to create the target audience to be mainly young girls. other colours used on the front cover are black and yellow, yellow because it is a strong, pastel colour, helps grab readers attention on the shelf, and black to brig out the other 2 colours in great more depth.

The font used on the magazine is mainly a bold bubbly font, this could suggest to us that it is trying to attract children to it because the font seems very powerful but childish. Also all the writing in this font is all in capital letters as well, makes the writing seem more important, also very in the readers face so that they know what the magazine is about.

Like many magazines aimed at young children, this magazine comes with a free gift for the readers, it is what looks like a hair band, further emphasising the fact that this magazine is aimed at young/ teenage girls. It makes the audience feel as if they have been given extra for the money they have spent on the magazine, which can make them want to buy more and more issues after that.


editors letter review (unfinished)

colour in magazines

Displaying IMG_9596.JPGIn the magazine shout, there are a variety of colours used in the magazine. The colours used in this magazine are mainly pastel colours; colours which are socially seen as "girly" and matched with females in particular. This further identifies the demographic; young teenage girls. 

The layout clearly displays the contents of the magazine, whilst maintaining a sporadic and girly and girly aesthetic with colourful borders, pastel colours and collage style imagery. this appeals to the already identified audience; young teenage girls. 

Also the, the colours range in a lot of different directions, but all are bright eye catching colours, the colours like pink and blue and yellow, are all appealing to the eye of the audience, they all also reflect the genre of the magazine, bright colours reflect the happy up beat genre the magazine is trying to show to the target audience. 

Sunday 22 January 2017

Emotive and colloquial language in magazines

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The target audience for the magazine "shout" is girls aged 9-12 who are into celebrity gossip, and girly websites, the reason i aimed it to girls around this age is because the language and colours of the magazine stand out to this age group, for example the word "shout" reflects the age stereotype of girls this age, that they always are loud and shout a lot, other reasons why this stands out to young girls is because of the images of the the front cover. the images on the cover are of stars, that stand out to the target audience, for example there on the cover there are pictures of Zoella, Shawn mendes and 5 seconds of summer, all of which are greatly admired and looked upon  by the children of this target audience.

Loads of magazines now a days use colloquial and emotive language to attract target their target audience to there magazine, in shout some examples of emotive language are "love" and "angry." these words reflect 2 different emotions that readers the age the target audience is set to feel frequently, the connotations of the word "love" i can infer are: colours, like pink and red, which are both eye catching colours, that reflect the genre of the magazine, therefore making it appealing to the target audience.

Also colloquial language is used a lot in magazines these days, to make sure that they keep up to date with language and dialect spoken by the target audience, some examples of colloquial language in the magazine shout are "tell us grace f's fave.." this helps keep the target audience entertained and involved in the magazine,

Friday 20 January 2017

preliminary task- part 4 organised photo shoot

For this part of my preliminary task, i had to organise a photo shoot and take between 5 and 10 original photos that will be used in my school magazine, i have chosen these pictures because to me they best show students doing school work and enjoying it, which is what i want my magazine to reflect/ represent. the image that i will be using for my main cover image is the one in the left column at the bottom of the two lads smiling, I chose this one because i think they both look happy and welcoming, which will encourage the target audience to buy my school magazine every week, the other images i will use as pictures for sub headings, my contents page, and editors letter page.